Many aquarists are curious whether betta fish live with snails. The answer is yes, snails and bettas can live in the same tank, but you need to understand the complex relationship between these creatures before putting them in the same environment.
Bettas didn’t get the name Siamese fighting fish for nothing. They have a reputation for being aggressive, but they can live with friendly tank mates like snails. Before you rush out to buy snails, you should consider the compatibility of these creatures before adding them to your home aquarium. Knowing which snail species to choose, the ideal tank size, and the best way to help them get along will go a long way to creating a great tank.
In this article, you’ll better understand the benefits and risks of keeping snails In your betta tank and what you’ll have to do to make this living arrangement work.
Snails For Betta Tank: What Are The Benefits?
There are several reasons why keeping snails with your betta fish is a good idea. Here are just a few:
To keep the algae in check
Excess algae in any fish tank is a red flag. Excess algae means the plants in your tank will be competing for the much-needed resources to survive. Algae also doesn’t look good from the outside. Keeping snails will help reduce algae in the fish tank if you want to maintain a certain aesthetic.
Make your fish tank more entertaining
Which fish keeper doesn’t want a colorful tank with creatures swimming around the tank 24/7? Snails are a fantastic addition to any fish tank because they’ll keep your bettas company and make the tank look more lively and exciting. Many snail species also have incredibly vibrant and unique shells.
Snails are scavengers
Scavengers are helpful for most fish tanks because they’ll take part in cleaning by eating leftovers and uneaten fish food. Keeping these scavengers in a bettas tank can also help reduce dirt and maintain high water quality for the health of plants and other fish species.
Aerating The substrate
Snails are constantly moving and digging in the substrate. These actions increase the oxygen levels in the tank’s water and for the plants. Optimal oxygen levels are also good for the bettas in the tank.
Do Bettas Eat Snails?
The short answer is, yes, betta fish can eat snails. Bettas are carnivorous, so it shouldn’t surprise you that they can eat snails when hungry. No fish keeper wants to bring home snails only for them to be eaten by their fish. If the snails are small enough without an operculum and your bettas are hungry or have been without food for a while, your snails can end up their dinner.
But how often should you feed your betta fish? Twice a day is enough for an adult betta; any more could be overfeeding, which is harmful to these tropical fish. Keeping your bettas well fed will help prevent any accidental feedings.
But you don’t need to panic because they won’t just eat any snails. The snails have to be small, and if you’re keeping your betta on a healthy feeding schedule, you probably have nothing to worry about.
A betta fishes feeding schedule is essential if you’re having trouble keeping your betta full. If your betta fish isn’t eating, here are some common causes.
How to Decide on What Type of Snail is Good For Your Betta Fish Tank
In this case, size matters a lot. You can’t just put any snail with your betta fish. Because bettas are carnivores, tiny snails can end up as a snack if you ever forget to feed them. Larger snails have a better chance of protecting themselves and surviving with bettas.
You should also know your betta fish very well. Male betta fish have been known to show aggressive behavior towards their male counterparts or other fish creatures. They might not eat the snails, but an aggressive betta could make your snails life a living nightmare.
Here are other facts you should consider before adding snails to a betta fish tank:
- The snails should be healthy. Adding sick snails to a betta’s fish tank can lead to infections spreading and affect the water quality.
- Get a spacious tank to prevent your betta fish from getting territorial or aggressive with its new tank mates.
- Ensure you maintain the appropriate water conditions for these tropical creatures. The water temperatures and pH levels should be suitable for freshwater fish like bettas and snails
- If you add more than one snail to your betta’s tank, they should be of the same species. Different species of snails can cause more trouble than necessary. It’s also easier to deal with one snail species at a time. Can multiple snails live in a betta fish tank? Yes, You can keep several snails in your betta’s fish tank as long as they have enough space.
- Not all snails will eat the algae in your tank, so you need to consider which snail species you’re getting to ensure a balance in your home aquarium, especially if you want to keep it clean and use these scavengers to get rid of excess algae..
Snails also spawn quickly. So unless you plan on taking care of a snail nursery, you need to keep a snail’s species that don’t reproduce too fast.
Ideal Tank Size to Keep Betta Fish and Snails
The best tank size for a single betta fish is 5-10 gallons. If you want to make them comfortable, you can get them a larger tank.
Considering you want to keep a betta fish with snails, you’ll have to add at least 10 gallons. This will give your snails and fish more space to swim and give each other space.
In addition to the tank size, warm water parameters should be maintained in this freshwater aquarium. You can add substrate, plants, and décor in the tank so you’re pets don’t get bored in their new environment.
12 Types of Snails for Betta Tank
If you’re looking for the best betta tank mates, below are the best aquarium snails to consider for your betta aquarium:
1. Mystery snails
- Water pH: 7.0-7.5
- Water temperatures: 68-82 degrees Fahrenheit
Mystery snails can do well in a betta fish tank because they come in beautiful colors and are more friendly with bettas. These snails have a simple daytime routine that makes them easy to take care of as long as they are fed. The mystery snail is omnivorous and thrives snacking on algae and leftover food in the betta’s tank.
Some mystery snails are known to climb out of their tanks, so ensure you leave the lid on. Mystery snails can grow to two inches, so you should consider getting a larger tank for your bettas. They live in similar water conditions as bettas, so it won’t be difficult maintaining the proper water parameters.
2. Assassin Snails
- Water pH: 7-8
- Water temperatures: 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit
One of the best options for a bettas fish tank is the assassin snail. These are a favorite among aquarists because they don’t breed as fast, so you don’t have to worry about the snail population in your tank. They grow to about three inches, so you need to keep an eye on them in case your bettas feel intimidated.
Assassin snails can survive on an algae diet, plant matter, and leftover food. They can also feed on dried worms and other snails when hungry, so consider only keeping them with their own species.
3. Nerite snails
- Water ph levels: 7.5
- Water temperatures: 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit
According to most fish keepers, nerite snails are the best companion for bettas. Although they prefer to be in a group, these snails can take care of the algae in your tank and don’t require 24/7 attention.
Another factor that makes these snails a preferred option is they don’t reproduce as quickly as other species like the pest snails. You can feed nerite snails algae wafers as well to diversify their meals.
Nerite snails won’t grow too big and fill up your tank. But if they get into an altercation with your betta and their antennas are damaged, don’t worry, they can actually grow them back. However, take that as a signal that your betta doesn’t like the new company.
4. Ivory snails
- Water ph: 7.2-7.5
- Water temperatures: 68-82 degrees Fahrenheit
Ivory snails are an excellent option to add to your betta fish tank. Not only are they beautiful, but they also have a calm temperament that easily blends with bettas. They are active at night, giving bettas all the space and room they need during the day.
These snails will eat soft algae, plants, and leftover food in the tank. Despite how good they are for a freshwater tank, some of them might not survive the first few days in your home aquarium due to the drastic change in ph levels.
5. Rabbit snails
- Water pH: 7.8-8.4
- Water temperatures : 76-84 degrees Fahrenheit
Rabbit snails are popular for betta fish keepers looking to add color to their tank. They are similar to bettas as they have a lifespan of three years and grow to a maximum size of 3-5 inches.
Their name is attributed to the fact that they look like rabbits (at least a little bit lol). Rabbit snails are easy to feed because they eat wafers, plant matter, and algae. Because of their size, you’ll need a tank with at least 20 gallons. Like bettas, these snails need warm temperatures to be happy.
6. Malaysian Trumpet Snails
- Water pH: 7.0-7.5
- Water temperatures : 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit
These snails are great for a betta fish tank, but they like to hide most of the time. The Malaysian trumpet snail grows to about four inches and is hardy enough, which is great for beginner aquarists. You can find them hiding in the substrate or tank decor. The constant burrowing will help them keep the tank aerated, but the fact that they start reproducing after two months can make it difficult to control their snail population.
7. Japanese Trapdoor Snails
- Water pH: 7.0-8.0
- Water temperatures : 64-84 degrees Fahrenheit
If there’s a snail species that are popular because of its color and shape, it’s the Japanese Trapdoor snail. Their unique name comes from their operculum opening and closing when they are in danger. The Japanese trapdoor snail has a lifespan of close to ten years because they are hardy and can survive harsh conditions.
If you feed them well, you don’t have to worry about them eating the plants or fish in the tank. They will thrive by eating algae, but you can also give them algae wafers. Japanese trapdoor snails will grow to an average of two inches which means if your betta is in a ten-gallon tank, you’ll have to move them to at least a 20-gallon fish tank.
8. Turret Snails
- Water pH: 7.0-7.5
- Water temperatures : 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit
These are beginner-friendly snails that can live comfortably with bettas. Turret snails may only live for up to a year, and you don’t need much to care for them. Like the other snails on this list, these snails survive on leftover fish, debris, and soft algae. They will require a minimum tank size of 10 gallons, so you’ll need to upgrade the betta’s tank. A smooth substrate is excellent for these snails because they like digging for leftovers, so they shouldn’t be too sharp to avoid injury.
9. Pond snails
- Water pH: 7.0-7.5
- Water temperatures: 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit
Most aquarists with pond snails in their fish tank didn’t put them there on purpose. Pond snails attach themselves to plants when introduced into a new tank. But you can still easily find these snails in most fish stores. Like other snail species, they will help clean your tank by feeding on leftover food, plant matter, and soft algae. Pond snails are perfect if you already have limited space for your betta fish.
10. Ramshorn snails
- Water pH: 7.0-7.8
- Water temperature: 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit
Ramshorn snails are also a great addition to a betta fish tank. But their small size and the fact that they reproduce quickly can put them at risk while living with bettas. You will also be overworking to ensure they’re all feed. They come in various colors to help decorate your tank, and their numbers are great at cleaning the excess algae, leftover food, and debris in your home aquarium. If you choose these snails, ensure you maintain temperatures similar to those of a betta fish. You can choose between the two variants; Red Ramshorn and the Great Ramshorn for your bettas tank.
11. Pest Snails
- Water pH: 7.0-8.0
- Water temperature: 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Pest snails are great for a betta’s fish tank if you are okay with them being part of your fish’s diet. Pest snails do not have an operculum, so they can quickly be eaten by fish because of the lack of protection. They also reproduce a lot and fast, which can be beneficial if you want to keep snails as a food source for your betta fish.
12. Apple snails
- Water pH: 6.5-8.0
- Water temperature: 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit
As beautiful as the Apple snails are to have in a fish tank, most aquarists won’t rank these snails as the best for a betta fish tank because of their sensitivity to high nitrate levels. You’ll have to clean the tank more frequently to ensure you maintain the proper nitrate levels.
How To Introduce Your New Snail(s) To Your Betta Tank
You never know how your fish will behave when introducing new creatures into their tank. If you’ve researched and chosen one of the snails mentioned above, the next challenge is introducing them to their new home.
Now that you know what to consider before adding snails to a betta’s fish tank, here are tips on how to introduce them to their new home:
- Quarantine the snails first to rule out any illnesses or health issues.
- If you don’t suspect any sickness and got them from a reputable store, you can consider adding them to your fish tank. However, don’t add the new snails immediately.
- While still in their packaging, you can float these snails in the water tank. This will help them get familiar with their new environment first.
- Release the snails one by one Into the tank after 1-2 hours.
- If you bought multiple snails, add a few at a time so that your betta’s environment doesn’t drastically change.
Constant observation of your bettas’ and the snails behavior will let you know whether your betta is happy with its new tankmates.
How To Feed Your Snails in Your Betta Tank
Snails aren’t very specific about what they eat, so feeding them isn’t complicated. You can ensure their diet contains vegetables and other foods to keep them healthy.
Here are some excellent food options to try:
- Algae
- Carrots
- Algae pellets
- Peas
- Fruits
- Zucchini
- Frozen foods like daphnia, bloodworms, and brine shrimp.
All these foods provide nutrients that are essential to a snail’s health. So don’t forget them when you are feeding your bettas.
Risks of Keeping Snails in Your Betta Tank
As stress-free as keeping snails with betta fish sounds, it does come with certain risks. Here are some risks you should be aware of before adding snails to your betta’s fish tank:
While the chances of snails spreading diseases are slim, it could still happen. That’s why it’s recommended to quarantine new snails for a while to monitor their health and behavior before adding them to your betta’s fish tank.
Snails aren’t afraid to go for aquarium plants when they are hungry. If you’ve kept many plants in their tank, don’t be surprised when they eat some. Both bettas and snails live plants in their tank.
Plants like Java fern are excellent for this tank because they can withstand more damage, even from snails nibbling at their leaves. Adding aquatic plants that repel snails will help keep your plants safe. Other plant options like water sprite, Amazon sword, and Anubias are excellent food sources for snails.
So if you’re attached to your plants and want them to survive without any risk of damage, you probably shouldn’t add snails to your fish tank.
Snails will reproduce much faster than other marine creatures. It can happen so quickly that they become dominant inhabitants tank and make your betta fish territorial. As frequently as you monitor their population, it can soon get out of hand, and you end up with more snails than bettas in your fish tank. If this happens, you’ll have to move the other snails into another tank.
Most fish keepers decide to go for snail species like the assassin snail that don’t reproduce in freshwater.
Tanks appearance
Snails aren’t going to sit still in their new home. Despite being known as slow creatures, snails constantly move around the tank and in the substrate. This movement could quickly affect your tank’s appearance, and if the algae they need to eat gets out of control, your tank won’t look as clean.
Too many snails mean you’ll have to clean the fish tank more often because they also produce waste like other fish creatures.
Bettas health
Snails could also end up getting stuck on your betta’s fins. Your betta will be uncomfortable and irritated, affecting their moods and health. This could also easily lead to an infection.
How to Tell if Your Betta is Happy With Their Snails
Because you can’t communicate with your fish, you must monitor their behavior for any signs of aggressive behavior or uneasiness. If your betta is constantly darting in the fish tank and hiding, they likely don’t like their new tank mates. But this could be just one of the reasons why your betta fish is hiding.
Here are some signs that your bettas are getting along with the snails you added to their tank:
- When your bettas are constantly starring and following the snails around, this means they are curious and intrigued by their new tank mates.
- If your snails and bettas are eating together, they are comfortable living in the same tank.
- Bettas enjoy sleeping in caves and other spaces, so this could be a good sign when you see them sleeping with snails out in the open.
- Even ignoring them could mean that your bettas are okay living with snails. This could mean they aren’t bothered by the snail’s presence, but it could also be a sign of something else bothering them.
Are Snails Good For Your Bettas Fish Tank?
Not every aquarist will be thrilled to have snails in their home aquarium. But most snails can help keep your tank clean. Snails are a great addition to any freshwater fish tank; they will help reduce algae, aerate the tank, and make the tank more lively.
Some of the best snails for betta fish owners are the mystery snail, assassin snail, and ivory snail. But they’ll need constant supervision to ensure nothing goes wrong after you introduce the snails to your Siamese fighting fish.
If you’re confident in your ability to keep your bettas and snails together, ensure you carry out enough research on the best snail species for your fish tank before changing the dynamic of your home aquarium.
Can a snail kill a betta fish?
No. It’s almost impossible for a snail to kill a betta fish unless they infect them with a disease. And even the chances of a disease spreading from a snail to a betta is slim.
How often should you clean a tank with snail?
You will need to clean your fish tank more often with multiple snails. They are constantly on the move, producing waste, and stirring the substrate which can tamper with the waters quality.
Can snails climb out of a fish tank?
Yes. Don’t be surprised when you find your snails making it out of the fish tank. As much as a lid on your tank will help prevent your bettas from jumping out of the tank, it could also help keep your snails in the tank.
Do snails need a filter ?
Most freshwater fish are resilient and can live in a tank without a filter. But because betta fish need a good quality filter, the snails will benefit from having one in their tank.
What happens if a snail dies in betta tank?
When a snail dies, their small bodies will shrink and start to decompose. This will increase the ammonia levels in the tank which affects the waters quality and in turn your betta fish’s health. It can also lead to diseases.