Ember Tetra Care Guide: Types, Diet, Tanks, Tank Mates, Breeding

Ember Tetra Care Guide Types, Diet, Tanks, Tank Mates, Breeding

Are you looking for an active and beautiful freshwater fish for your home aquarium? Well, the ember tetras are perfect in many ways for beginner and experienced fish keepers. These tropical fish are small, which is perfect for small-sized fish tanks, but they need to be kept in groups for their safety and happiness. Ember … Read more

Betta Fish Angry – 10 Reasons Why Your Betta Fish is Flaring

Betta Fish Angry - 10 Reasons Why Your Betta Fish is Flaring

Some people think fish don’t have emotions or don’t know how to express themselves. But that’s not true. Like every living creature, betta fish have different personalities and feelings. They’ll be happy when they see food, comfortable when they feel safe, irritated when surrounded by unfriendly tank mates, and angry when they feel threatened. But … Read more

Mystery Snail Care Guide: Types, Food, Tanks, Tank Mates, Breeding

Mystery Snail Care Guide Types, Food, Tanks, Tank Mates, Breeding

Mystery snails are a favorite among fishkeepers because they are fun to look at all day, easy to take care of and help with tank maintenance.  Mystery snails are suitable aquarium snails for beginners and experienced aquarists. These little creatures are beautiful with bright color patterns, giant shells, and long tentacles, making your tank look … Read more